The WA Croatian Chamber of Commerce was proud to hold our 2022 Carnarvon Croatian Festival event. This included our homeland thanksgiving day at Carnarvon.

We organised a bus to take the Perth community to Carnarvon for these celebrations.

Carnarvon provides over 25% of fruit and vegetables to Perth of which a large percentage are from Croatian heritage families. We had great agriculture tours and hospitality with Anthony and Graeme Kuzmicich and the Borich family farms. 

Meetings with the Shire of Carnarvon CEO Andrea Selvey and Councillor Eddie Smith discussing strategic opportunities and future Carnarvon promotions with Croatia. Also with our committee Marilyn Rulyancich, Jana Jurcevic and David Ugrinov.

Vjeran Duplancic

An amazing singing performance for this special occasion.


We held a productive meeting with the Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce on future initiatives as well as event planning and collaboration on a few strategic objectives.
A great tour of the Carnarvon Tracking station that was an integral part of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Also the amazing role that Croatian migrant Kathy Franin played during the event, here in Carnarvon. Established by the Australian and US governments, the Carnarvon Tracking Station (CRO) officially opened in 1964.

Friday night was celebrated at the Dalmatia Club with Vjeran Duplancic providing amazing singing performances, that were celebrated by all. With our Perth Croatian Consul Zoran Sangut providing an inspiring and hearting warming speech about our celebration. Luke Jurcevic, discussed the events leading up to the day and upcoming days activities. With Ivo Condic also providing consular services in regional Carnarvon. Thank you to Lena Roberts (Kuzmicich) for providing the amazing catering for the night.

The following day a tour to Coral Bay for a memorial event for the Croatians that where part of the Stefano shipwreck that occurred in 1875. An amazing story of Croatian and Aboriginal relationships.

Then headed back to Carnarvon to screen the Countryman film with Joseph Williams and Peter Pecotic. Local attendees enjoyed the film followed with a zoom discussion with Peter Pecotic to discuss the movie and answer questions.

Luke Jurcevic also attended the Gascoyne Food Festival and met up with Hon Alannah MacTeirnan, Minister Stephen Dawson and Rebecca Brown, Director General for Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. Discussing a range of topics including the triple bottom line.

Sunday we held the WA Croatian Chamber of Commerce Cup at the Carnarvon Races – also congratulations to the Kuzmicich twins Anthony and Graeme for a great win with their horse on the day.

 Next day the Kalbarri Skywalk tour and back to Perth.

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