Friday November 22nd 2024
Australian Ambassador to Croatia Mr Richard Rodgers visit to Australia took the opportunity to delve deeper into the Australia-Croatia relationship.While in Perth, he met with the mayors of Fremantle and Cockburn (which enjoy sister city relationships with Korcula and Split respectively) , also Hrvatski Folklore Grupa Zagreb - with Zrinka Vlasic and Rayond Pecotic back from their Croatian tour and many members of the Australia-Croatian community.
Many thanks to all of those who supported the visit and were generous with their time to meet the Ambassador.
In Perth, Mr. Richard Rodgers also participated in a special welcome to country ceremony with Phil Walleystack, the CEO and Founder of the Indigenous Arts Foundation. Members of Phil’s foundation performed in Zagreb and at the Folklore Festival Split in August.
Australian Ambassador to Croatia Mr Richard Rodgers with his wife Karen at the WA Croatian Community Centre, North Fremantle where the WA Croatian Chamber of Commerce hosted a welcome function with the community.